Oceania Dairy Congratulates 2019 Scholarship Student of the Year, Tara Willans
Oceania Dairy are delighted that 18 year old Oamaru student, Tara Willans, has been awarded the 2017 scholarship. The former Waitaki Girls High School student will receive an annual payment of $3,000 for up to three years, as well as the opportunity for paid work experience during study breaks. Tara is commencing her studies towards a BASc (bachelor of arts and science) majoring in politics and environmental management and a minor in accounting at Otago University later this month.
“We had more applications this year than any other year we have been doing this,” says Oceania Dairy General Manager, Roger Usmar. “The decision was made more difficult by the high calibre of submissions and we wish to thank all candidates for the amount of time and work they put into their applications”.
Mr Usmar says the award is fitting recognition for Tara’s hard work. “Tara is an outstanding young woman, not only has she achieved excellence in both NCEA Level 2 & Level 3, but she demonstrated strong leadership skills within her school and community. In addition to this she has shown exceptional humanitarian skills by working as a volunteer with youth in Cambodia and India. Not many young people would give up their summer to teach English and promote environmental sustainability”.
Tara joins 2015 recipient Dion Batchelor, a former Head Boy of Waimate High School and 2016 scholarship recipient Tayne MacMillan also a Waimate High School Head Boy. “Having our scholarship students working with us over their semester breaks is important to us. We all really enjoy having them back and seeing their confidence and maturity develop. They are an integral part of our company and are valued members of the Oceania Dairy team” said Mr Usmar.
Mr Usmar strongly believes the scholarship is an important part of Oceania’s commitment to the communities in which it operates. “We are encouraging an organisational culture of investing in people and supporting local communities. We can think of no better way of demonstrating that culture by supporting young people as they move from secondary school education to further education or training,” he said.
The Oceania Scholarship is available to young people within the Waimate and Waitaki Districts who are completing their secondary schooling and about to move into further education or training.
The scholarship targets education or training that can lead the recipient into a career in the dairy industry or that has the potential to enhance relationships between New Zealand and China. Notification of the 2018 scholarship opportunity will be posted on the Oceania Dairy website (www.oceaniadairy.co.nz) in September this year.