Oceania’s Dryer Team Annual Day Out Rated a Huge Success
Dryer 1 Process Managers Regan and David all dressed up for the big Team Day in July
Oceania Dairy’s Dryer team of 53 held their annual Team Day during the winter shut period when everyone can get together while the cows are “on holiday”. Production Manager Nera Gordon explains: “We discuss the previous 12 months challenges & highlights, we inform the team of our improvement focus areas for the next 12 months, we also relay the exciting new challenges to come with new product developments & new technological projects in the pipeline”.
Everyone gets a chance to voice their perspective about proposed strategy for the plant. As Nera notes, “this helps us work together as one team on common goals. The day is all about celebrating achievements & recognizing the huge effort the entire team has made in the past 12 months”.
While the time out allows team members to reflect upon their year-on-year incremental performance improvement, Nera comments that “most of all it’s about having fun and a laugh with our work mates, enjoying each other’s company in a social & relaxed atmosphere”.