Oceania Dairy committed to the enhancement of education
Recently, Waimate centennial school stated that they obtained sponsorship from Oceania Dairy. The duff books in homes programme, which has a range of benefits relating to rasing the profile of books and reading in families.
“We are proud to offer necessary help and it is particularly important for families of economically disadvantaged people to read books for free”, says Oceania General Manager, Roger Usmar.
This sponsorship is about the Duffy books in homes programme. This programme has a range of benefits relating to raising the profile of books and reading in families. It is particularly important for families who are disadvantaged economically as they gain access to books and text that they don’t have to pay for.
Sadly with the recent Ministry of Education decile rating reviews our decile rating has climbed one place. This has the double negative effect of reducing our operational grant and increasing the component of the programme costs the school has to fund to 75%.
Although the board has made commitment to fund the programme, Waimate centennial school will be required to find extra funding to maintain the programme and they would like to support the Waimate community by this chance.
In return, the school will provide a range of acknowledgments in our community correspondence and would encourage the contributor to let us use their name in the programme title.
“We are glad to provide funds for the books as they will improve local people’s level of education, which will in turn increase the employment rate in this area and train more talents for enterprises. Also, this will win a good brand image for us”, Roger said.